Day 100 - A ton of memories

Finally, I am back ! And it's exactly a hundred days since I started this blog. Well, it also happens to be my first century in New York. :)
[L to R] Abhi, Paddy, Pooja, Vishy, Jim, Bha, me, Dup & Tintin
Been full of fun these hundred days, but none of them matching last weekend. Met nine of my buddies from engg at the beautiful Niagara, and it was time to relive the memories all over again.
So, the first ever pic on this blog happens to be a group pic taken near the American Falls. It was a get-together which was quite unplanned, but then it turned out to be my most cherished weekend in this country.
Not been here of late, coz of my new found-craze for photography. You can catch some of the pics I took with my new Olympus C-770 on my Niagara trip here.
So long, then. Will be back with more pictures soon.